The Daily Update Features Resources, News & How You Can Help Your Community.
- Stay Positive – “In Order To Carry A Positive Action, We Must Develop Here A Positive Vision,” Dalai Lama
- New At The Chamber – Joint Chamber Virtual Networking on Tuesday: Join the Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce for our Virtual Multi-Chamber Networking with Hunterdon County Chamber of Commerce and Somerset County Business Partnership at 9 AM on Tuesday, May 5th… Click Here To Register
- News – Unemployment Checks for the Self-Employed: Freelancers and self-employed people who’ve waited weeks for unemployment benefits under a federal expansion program will see their first check come through in the next week, the state labor department announced…Click Here For More Information
- Resource – GEP Sourcing Network: Connecting Suppliers to Health Care Providers and Purchasers…Click Here For More Information
- Virtual Program – QuickBooks For Beginners: Participants will learn necessary accounting basics and become familiar with QuickBooks program that helps to streamline bookkeeping, invoicing and preparation of financial statements, Courtesy of the NJSBDC at Rutgers, New Brunswick, Thursday, May 7th, 10 AM…Click Here To Register
- Support a Local Business – Crowne Plaza Edison – Special Offer – Click Here For Details
- Donate – Jewish Family Services (JFS): Your continued support is essential for JFS to keep pantry shelves stocked and Meals on Wheels rolling. Please visit our website to make a much needed donation. To arrange a food donation, call 732-777-1940 or email
- Question of the Week: Building your Brand takes a strategic plan – now is the time to ask yourself: What do I want to be known for? What are three things I can do beginning today to become known?
What Our Members Are Saying About The Daily Update?
“If there is one thing that has been positive and consistent throughout this pandemic has been the MCRCC Daily Updates emails that I’ve come to look forward to popping up in my inbox. It’s a quick synopsis all of the good that the local businesses are doing for one another, immediate financial relief opportunities available, ways chamber members can help and always an uplifting quote or message for the day. It’s things like this that make me proud to be a part of the community and member of the Chamber. Thank you”
Nicole Aiello, Senior Sales Manager, The Heldrich