The Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau provides certificates of origin verifying that a manufacturer’s goods are made in the United States or for goods that were not made in the United States. A certificate of origin is a document required by foreign governments that validates the country of origin of where the product was manufactured. The certificate of origin must be signed by the exporter and then signed by a locally designated agency such as The Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce in order to be acceptable and valid.
Businesses interested in having their certificates of origin signed by the Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce must complete an affidavit releasing the Chamber from any liability with regards to the goods. The affidavit can be emailed or faxed to you. Businesses should bring the signed affidavit to the Chamber office together with the certificate of origin and the documents regarding the goods (e.g. invoice). Documents must indicate the country of origin.
Certificates of origin are stamped during regular office hours. No appointment is necessary. However, we strongly recommend that you call the Chamber office at (732) 745.8090 before coming into the office to have your certificate signed. 12 Complimentary Certificates of origin for Chamber members & $15 each after. Non Members are $30 each.