Kim Bilderback GSEC, CISSP-Senior Director-AT&T Cybersecuirty Solutions, AT&T Services, Inc. was the keynote speaker, discussing the importance of security.
Businesses joined the Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce for a special invitation only event presented by AT&T at their Global Network Operations Center (GNOC) in Bedminster, which is the largest facility of its kind in the world.
Members walked the blue, not red, carpet to get their photo taken in front of the AT&T logo while enjoying a breakfast prepared by the AT&T staff. Chamber members broke up into two groups but later switched to experience the full affect of what AT&T had to offer.

Members walked the blue, not red, carpet to get their picture taken with the baby blue AT&T logo.
The first group learned about the importance of cybersecurity from Kim Bilderback, Senior Director of AT&T Cybersecurity Solutions. The second group toured AT&T’s enormous facility, including the master control room. Members got to see what high level traffic looks like and how AT&T fixes a problem in real time

Members got to experience “master control” at AT&T and what goes on behind the scenes of the company. This is the command center of AT&T’s worldwide network, keeping track of billions of voice calls, texts and A LOT of data
Steve Moser, Network Visitor Program Manger at AT&T, served as a tour guide, knowing the ins-and-outs of every cable and piece of data in the command center. Billions upon billions of voice calls, text messages and data funnel through the command center at AT&T’s worldwide network.
Is your mind blown yet?