The Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce Presents “Adjust to Change in Times of Crisis” as part of the Chamber’s Developing You: A Personal & Professional Growth Series Courtesy of The Emerging Leaders Committee.
According to Socrates, the secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. Some people embrace change and welcome the opportunities it brings, while others resist. Change is inevitable, therefore, it is vitally important to be equipped with the right tools and skills to handle it effectively. In this online workshop, you learn to embrace change by focusing on what you will gain, not what you will lose.
What You’ll Learn
In this workshop, participants will learn to define the challenge of change, commit to principles for adapting to change and last but certainly not least, adapt personal work patterns and attitudes in response to change. And learning different techniques to become a role model of change for others.
Why you want to learn it
This workshop is designed, to help you learn to be flexible in uncertain times. In addition, you will learn to remain productive and positive — and help others do the same. Overall, this will help you better manage the impact of crisis in your professional, social and individual experiences.
Presenters: Don Warkentin, Director of Training, Dale Carnegie Training & Radia Carr, VP Client Engagement & Trainer, Dale Carnegie Training
Free for Members (Limited to 50)
Non-Members – $10 – Please E-Mail